June 10, 2014, 4:00 p.m.                     Regular Committee Meeting                    Conference Room A


 1.   Call to Order

 2.   Roll Call

 3.   Agenda Amendment/Adoption

 4.   Acceptance of Previous Minutes (05-27-14) (Pgs 3-4 following) 

5.  All items involving visitors / requested officials

6.   Committee Reports

Communications from the Chairman

2014 Work Plan – Review and Discussion

EDC Brochure Draft V2 Review

CH&P – Natural Gas – Update

How to Start Your Kittery Business Checklist – Web Alpha

Commercial Development in Kittery Checklist – Web Alpha


Rep Reports:


7.   Unfinished Business

Economic Development Plan Update – All

Discussion of the EDP draft and Committee decision on submittal to Town Council.(MOTION)


8.   New Business

  1. a.     Kittery Town Code Title 16 Land Use and Development – Signs – Discussion
  2. b.    The Committee moves to elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman for FY15.
  3. c.     The Committee moves to address its charter and organization for FY15.


9.   Committee Member Issues or Comments


10. Meeting Schedule & Adjournment







Meeting Action Material Attachments:

4.  KEDC Un-Approved Minutes – 05-27-14

6.  EDC Tasks 2014

7a. Economic Development Plan – Draft – 06-??-14

8a. Title 16 Draft – Signs


General Information Materials Provided for Committee Review:


  May 27, 2014                                      Regular Meeting                                      Conference Room A

 1.   Call to Order

Chairman Beers called the meeting to order at 4:05pm.

 2.   Roll Call

Answering the call were Chairman Gary Beers, John Carlson, Patrick Trevino, George Dow, Ann Grinnell. Gerald Mylroie, Nancy Colbert Puff and Councilor Charles Denault.  Stephen Kosacz was absent.

 3.   Agenda Amendment/Adoption

Without objection, the Chairman cast one vote to adopt the Agenda as presented.

 4.   Acceptance of Previous Minutes.

Without objection, the Chairman cast one vote to approve the minutes of meetings on 04/0714, 04/22/14 and 05/13/14 as presented.

 5.   All items involving visitors / requested officials.  None.

 6.   Committee Reports.

 Mr. Denault noted that the draft EDC Brochure was “too busy in the center section and needs to be “bulletized”.  The Chairman will revise and present at the next meeting.

 Mr. Dow comments that the Traip Expanded Learning Opportunities EDC Website & Business Mailing may need to happen sooner than mid-summer because next year students will be selecting their courses and activities soon.

 Ms. Colbert Puff said that she had spoken to the Business in Focus staff and we need to provide 10-12 high resolution photos for the article.  The Chairman will ask Kittery Author Mark Alesse if he’d allow using some of his.

 Ms. Colbert Puff said that she would meet with the Chairman next week to review the four CH&P – Natural Gas engineering companies and discuss next steps such as asking each to come in and make a presentation..

 The Chairman stated that he had given the EDC Website Presentation to the Town Council.

 He requested comments on the drafts of the How to Start Your Kittery Business Checklist and Commercial Development in Kittery Checklist.  He said that he would create an alpha website for Committee to review the parsed look and feel.

 He asked Committee consensus on posting information and links on the EDC website on “Kittery 4th Friday” and Yankee Magazines selection of Chauncey Creek Lobster Pier as one of New England’s 12 best lobster shacks

 He commented that he believed Committee officers should serve on a fiscal year basis and that the next meeting in June would be the last of this year, so expect Committee Officer Elections for FY15 to be on the agenda. 


He also said he was not interested in serving as Chairman would fulfill administrative and Secretary duties, if the Committee wished.  Mr. Carlson asked about the Committee charter for a Secretary position.  The Chairman stated that the charter called for a Chair and A Vice Chair and that the Committee is charged “to organize itself”, so saw no issue with that

 Mr.  Mylroie updated the Committee on regional broad band service issues noted in a recent forum he had attended at UNH.  He will provide information for the next meeting.

 7.   Unfinished Business

  1. a.     Economic Development Plan Update – Postponed

 8.   New Business:

 The Committee discussed the 2014 Work Plan list item status.  Ms. Colbert Puff suggested that a “directions” postcard usable as a handout by merchants in the Outlet and Foreside areas to give visitors clear directions to each other’s areas.  The Chairman will create drafts for Committee review.  Mr. Mylroie suggested that the Committee should remain interested in the MDoT grants for the Route 1 Bypass streetscape and the possibility of changing the Bypass North- and Southbound to two-way traffic in the area of the old Weigh Station.  He also said that the Committee should look into current zoning in the Mixed use zone to see if it may wish to make a recommendation to make some development viable in the three separated sections. 

 9.   Committee Member Issues or Comments

Mr. Dow asked if the failure of the Eliot sewer TIF would impact Kittery’s plans for the Stevenson and Martin Road through the Business Park to Rte 236.  The Chairman said no, because Eliot’s plan had removed their 236 layout some time ago and should it take place all of their routing was along their current lines connecting to Pump Station7.

 10. Meeting Schedule & Adjournment

 NEXT MEETING:  June 10, 2014

 ADJOURNMENT:  Motion to adjourn by Ms. Grinnell.  Seconded by Mr. Denault.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 5:43PM.


Posted: tbd